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Interview with a Creative, Sacred Sauce

Interview with a Creative, Sacred Sauce


Andranique Forshee also known as ‘Sacred Sauce’, is all around talented. A dancer, model, creative, and director, has a remarkable way of interacting with her audience. From Dallas, Texas Sacred Sauce is determined to make the best in her work as possible, no matter where she is. “Currently the team and I are creating an interactive story titled, “The Greatest love story ever told. The story of finding and falling in love with You.” by KMIR Experience, Moni Gee, and Myself, hosted at The Dallas Meditation Center. It’s common for everyday people to talk about “life being hard and healing is a process”. While all of that is true, I don’t hear too many breaking down what it looks like to the scenes.

This show is a visual and musical representation of what it means to process and establish love within the self. Be sure to check out my Linktree.com/sacred.sauce for more details. Outside of that, I am working with The DFW HipHop Plug team with scheduling community activities and fundraisers this summer and fall time.  Also, stay tuned for the fashion experience that will take you back and remind you of your history.” Currently, Sacred Sauce  is working hard to enhance her trade in order to reach the peak of accomplishment in her work.

Where are you from?

I am from Dallas, Texas. Born and raised. After giving that answer, many people will rebuttal, “Dallas is big, what part?” My answer to that is EVERYWHERE. I grew up in the Mesquite, Plano, Richardson, and South Dallas. Dallas is where it all started.

Give Three qualities that describe you:

I am a very passionate person. Whether I am right or wrong, if I relate to and feel it, there is passion attached to it. First and foremost I will always be a student of life. I truly believe the only way to get the full experience in life, I must be ready to learn from being present throughout my journey. Knowledge is power. The last is compassionate, with all of my heart. This quote by Thich Nhat Hanh best describes my ability. I am not perfect, but I strive to be a better being every day. “Understanding someone's suffering is the best gift you can give to another person. Understanding is love's other name. If you don't understand, you can't love.”

What is inspiring you right now consistently to work on your endeavors?

Now, this is a packed question. I am inspired by the reviews and responses of those who have shared space with me while in my element. Whether I’m at a festival, live concert, or in the grocery store dancing to the jammin playlist, they have on. There is almost always that one person that turns and gives a side smirk, like “this is my song” and we exchange a dance gesture. It warms my heart when that same person I caught in the corner of the spot, has watched me dancing all night, and now they have released the fear or self-doubt and decided to live in the moment.

Many of our peers have no idea of the sacred history and healing abilities of music and dance. I desire to share that knowledge with all. To all of the creators and visionaries, especially those who are striving to be true to themselves and their communities. It is important the passion behind the effort never ends, because love heals all. When I think of inspiration the first that comes to my mind are the people in my community who continue to donate their time to others. Whether that be through lending a hand in the local garden, keeping the community hydrated and fed with healthy drinks, donating food, to being the networker who is always plugging folks into resources.

How have you overcome struggles to be where you are now?

The biggest struggle I’ve had to overcome would be fear of what the future holds and remaining persistent with my goals, unbothered by the process of others' success. If you knew my Pops, you would assume I learned all of that as a child. Well, that would be correct. On the other hand, they don't tell you that you have to go through life to learn how to apply those concepts and lessons our parents taught us. For a good while, I assumed I was prepared for the growth in my business and life in general. Then, I realized. I have the tools, now I must recall those critical conversations from Pops and apply them to my life experiences. I say all of that to say, I was my own obstacle, but once I realized it, I was my own savior, motivator, and closest friend.

What piece of advice do you want others to take back from the work you display?

I always want people to feel loved. To feel the release of things that are no longer needed. To clear and open the space for what they desire. Dance is a language in itself. It is used in every culture and even in the animal kingdom, as a means to express oneself. I want others to leave questioning their dance language. What do the movement and music in combination mean to them? Make it a sacred moment with yourself and others.

As a business owner, what are some obstacles have you had to overcome to get where you are at?

One of the biggest obstacles I’ve had to overcome would be following through with my passion for dance and all things creativity. Growing up extracurricular hobbies/activities were not valued like Math, Science, English, History, etc. My family was more focused on traditional activities like football, cheerleading, spelling bees, and chess club. Don’t get me wrong, those were good experiences, but that's not where my heart was. As a business owner, it is number 1 to not let the negative keep you down or deter you from your goals, even if others don't see the bigger picture.

I think anyone who has started their own business has thought about finding a trusted mentor who has their best interest at heart. While on my journey I have learned to be as intentional as possible about what and who you ask for assistance. Not everyone has the same values or innerstanding of life as you, and that is okay. It is beyond important not to believe/ follow the hype. Always do your research in finding a business partner. Closed mouths don’t get fed.

I have struggled so much, and I truly believe it was due to my being afraid to ask for help. One day I was sitting on my close friend’s couch when she turned and asked me why the long face? I told her I was having trouble finding a car, which was affecting business opportunities. She turned to me and said, “Girl you better speak up! We have a car sitting at my parent’s house that isn't being driven.” From that day on, when I am in need I call on my resources. Now you may get told about yourself, and you may get schooled depending on the situation. Regardless Don’t struggle because you’re afraid of asking for help and being transparent. The lesson may save your life.

Who were the most influential people in your life?

I would give thanks to my Pops who raised me to be resilient and a force to be reckoned with, while also encouraging and nurturing my womanhood as much as a Father can. My family of friends and business partners who have made a conscious decision, to be honest with me at all times and who shows up for me at any possible chance. All of the communities I have visited whose members always show love and allow me to truly feel welcomed. That includes Pan African Connection of Dallas and all of the talented musicians, dancers, and elders. Thank you!

Due to the fact that Sacred Sauce lives in Dallas, she has taken the stage and has been consistent on many occasions. This has had an effect on her overall career in the sense that she has set up and participated in a number of collaborations, and since she has been so consistent on the scene. Sacred Sauce is a successful entrepreneur and singer who is well renowned. Even if things don't always go as planned in the actual world, Sacred Sauce does not give up. The traits of determination, creativity, loyalty, empathy, awareness, and intelligence are instilled within ​​Sacred Sauce. Her work has been exciting and she describes it as always being open to collaborations.

“I am open to collaborations of all types. Contact me to bring our ideas to fruition. If you have not already, check out “On the Market” the youtube channel that is designed to spread knowledge and insight about the residential leasing process. In so many cases people do not have the best experiences with renting a home. I will share tips, definitions, and resources to assist in the tedious process.” Andranique Forshee also known as the ‘Sacred Sauce’,  aspires to have a successful career while simultaneously using her talent in music to make the world a better place.

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