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Caucasian Doll - An African-American Rapper With Unique Passion And Energy For Her Work

Caucasian Doll - An African-American Rapper With Unique Passion And Energy For Her Work

From her single “Buddhababy Ahh” to upcoming EP “Diary of an Untypical Bi*ch,” Caucasian Doll isn’t slowing up on her takeover of the industry.

Ariana Carswell is an African American rapper of mixed nationality born October 17th, 1995. Professionally known as Caucasian Doll, she is a hardworking mother out of Broward County Florida whose ambitions match her relentless hustle. Losing her father to the Federal judicial system at 7 years old, her life was far from a normal childhood. Fatherless, Carswell came up in a broken home with little attention from her mother occupied by her strenuous work schedule.

Early Life:

Carswell, a product of her environment, followed the path of the streets and began her career as a dancer, earning her name Caucasian Doll. Bettering her life, she started her career as an Esthetician, Home health aide, and Certified nurse assistant while continuing her education at Florida Atlantic University for hospitality.

Her Music Journey:

As a child singing in the choir, Caucasian Doll had a passion for music, but enduring adversities, her voice and dream of being a singer were lost along the way. Instead, she wrote music as an escape, a diary acting as a release for her traumatic experiences. January 2023, those past dreams were renewed as she started her music career under her alias as a dancer, Caucasian Doll. She continues to grow into a professional inspirational entrepreneur, someone women who have endured the same trauma can look to for inspiration. Cardi B influenced her a lot throughout her music career. She is very inspired from her singing style and genres.

Caucasian Doll - An African-American Rapper With Unique Passion And Energy For Her Work

Inspiration For Others:

Caucasian Doll uses conquering her traumatic life challenges to send a message to every woman, teen, and adult, encouraging that whatever they’re going through doesn’t make them the person they are today, for nothing is permanent, but everything is temporary, and even though troubles may come, there’s always a light at the end of every tunnel.

The piece of advice that motivated Caucasian Doll very often “When everything we consume in this world hits the flesh, we’re distracted by it and you won’t realize it until when you tap into your inner spirit and you realize that that’s the person you’re truly meant to be thru all the trails and tribulations you have to realize your self before the things we are distracted by”.

Her Latest Single “Buddhababy Ahh”:

Caucasian Doll currently has her latest single “Buddhababy Ahh” on streaming platforms and will be releasing her EP “Diary of an Untypical Bi*ch,” on March 13th.

Caucasian Doll - An African-American Rapper With Unique Passion And Energy For Her Work

"Buddhababy Ahh" Links: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/caucasiandoll/buddhababy-ahh

You can reach “ Caucasian Doll” via the following Social Platforms:

Instagram: @___Cauucasiandoll

Facebook: Ariana Carswell

Spotify: Caucasian Doll

Apple Music: Caucasian Doll

TikTok: @caucasiandoll__

YouTube: Caucasian Doll

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