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Getting To Know A Multi-Creative, Genesis

Getting To Know A Multi-Creative, Genesis


Genesis, who was born and raised in Inglewood, California, and now resides in Dallas, Texas. She is an actress, writer, and poet. Some also know her for the names 'Gen' or 'Hennessy'.  Genesis has a strong inclination towards creativity, actively cultivating a noticeable presence both online and in face-to-face interactions. She consistently has a strong work ethic. She is well recognized for being a risk taker, bold, and eclectic In terms of her personal characteristics. The individual's collaborative alliances have facilitated a level of consistency and a keen concentration on her goals. Genesis continually implements a steadfast approach to her tasks via her marketing endeavors and is well on her way to the top. Genesis explains her current projects. “My script is going through the final editing process. ‘A tale of two cities' is based on my favorite rapper J.Cole and his song ‘A Tale of 2 Citiez’. I’m also working on my first EP as a solo artist. I really want to pay homage to my hometown Inglewood through this EP.”

Genesis is currently working hard to show her talents and is leading the way. Genesis discusses her current motivations. “What is inspiring me is my circle. Seeing the amazing group of talented friends I have crush their goals, whether that be in music or film. Seeing them make it to the next level puts a fire under my ass. I am surrounded by talent across the board but not just talented people. Goal getters. They are truly my inspiration to get to my own finish line.

As a business owner, what are some obstacles you have had to overcome to get where you are at?

My biggest obstacle is finding balance, I’m a mother of two. So, trying to find the balance with motherhood and taking care of a household while juggling my career is one of the hardest things ever. Sometimes, some of your projects have to take a back burner and for me as a creative that is fueled by creating, taking a step back can take a toll on you.

What do you have coming up right now that you want others to know about?

I’m in an up and coming film called ’Dynasty’ written by Lioness starring Lil flip and another up and coming film based out of the 70’s called ‘First Love’ by Damandry.

Genesis is not only a competent leader in her industry, but also a knowledgeable individual. She believes that the impact of her work will enable her to attain higher levels of professional success and have a positive impact on the world. Genesis pledges to draw inspiration from everything she encounters and works assiduously. As she concludes the conversation, she discusses several significant people in her life. “The most influential people in my life would be my best friend and soulmate Vic. She has truly been there for me every step of the way since I began my journey as a writer and an actress. Also, my mother. I’m just someone who wants to make my mom proud and in turn make my daughter proud.”Genesis may improve her foundation by adding more components and expanding its reach as a result of her work ethic.

Genesis (‘Gen’ or ‘Hennessy’) will succeed because she never gives up. Only time will bring her prosperity.

Published by the Public Relations Brand, #Focuseddd.

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Instagram: @official_hennessy_


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