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Matthew George, ‘The 14th Shooter’, Has Major Contributions In The Industry

Matthew George, ‘The 14th Shooter’, Has Major Contributions In The Industry


Matthew George, also known as ‘The 14th Shooter’ is a photographer, filmmaker, director, designer, and artist from Kenya, but raised in Arlington, Texas since the age of one. Matthew continues to be sincere and resolute in his efforts. Both Matthew’s dedication to greatness and the inspiration of those around him have remained constant. Matthew talks about his goals for the future and the inspirations for his tenacity. “Right now i'm currently working with Fredrick Ewelike to bring DREAMER to life. DREAMER is our first round\collection coming soon from Zebratail Apparel. This collection is designed for dreamers by dreamers.”

By working with a wide variety of individuals, Matthew has remained consistent and relevant in the entertainment scene throughout the years. His inspiration for his work comes from his grind and inspiration. “Honestly right now my desire to consistently practice and improve at my craft is what's keeping me going.I’m getting my ten thousand hours in. I'm working knowing that for every project I complete , I get better and better.”

Known as being a creative, passionate, and open-minded person overall, Matthew has high hopes for his work. In order to build on his current success and continue to inspire others, Matthew is now concentrating on maintaining his inspirational grind and building on his work ethic. He provides advice on some crucial elements of his work and sources of motivation. “No one and I mean no one can do what you do if it’s  true and genuine to you. No one can see the world the way you do. So don't be afraid to be weird. Don't be afraid to be innovative. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Embrace your beautiful unique vision.” Matthew constantly retains his focus on the end result, which he is aware is crucial if he wants to succeed. Matthew has made the correct decision and remains steadfast.

How have you overcome struggles to be where you are at now?

One way I have overcome struggles is by keeping a positive and focused mindset. Nowadays it may be easy to get distracted or discouraged. Whether that be from social media or by negative energy from people around you. Keeping a tunnel vision helps me drown out any negative energy. So even when things may not be perfect, i'm still in a mindset to create positive action towards a better future.

Matthew, a multifaceted artist, goes into further detail about the challenges he overcame to get to where he is. Matthew perseveres because he is aware of how his challenges have strengthened him. “As a business owner, one of the obstacles I've had to overcome to get where I'm at is my self confidence and trusting my abilities. When I started photography I didn't shoot a lot of out of the box concepts. After gaining more creative confidence, I started doing more and more original concepts.In turn The time my business grew the most was when I took a risk on my creative abilities and ideas. And in the end I created something great and surpassed my own expectations, all I had to do was believe in myself.”

Matthew asserts that his own inspiration and determination, together with the encouragement of others, have led him to where he is today. He went on to remark that his passion for music will always serve as his source of inspiration and that his family had a significant influence on his career. “One person that influenced me a lot was my mother. She taught me how to be kind and how to be of service to others. She left an impact on my character and the way I treat people. My friends really inspire me a lot also.. For example my brother Fredrick Ewelike is a professional filmmaker. Seeing him direct a whole movie set inspires me to be a better director and storyteller.” Matthew sees himself as an ambitious artist who, as a result of his work ethic and tenacity, has become more of an inspiration and go-getter to others.

Others admire him. The focus of Matthew's attention is now on continuing to pursue his career in order to strengthen his already solid foundation even further. Matthew has his eyes set on the prize and understands that in order to succeed, he must not only invest in himself, but continue to strive each and every day. “Keep your eyes on Zebratail Apparel for our upcoming first collection DREAMER coming this fall. I'm also releasing new pieces this fall for my brand Vast Vision Studios.”

Public Relations Agency, #Focuseddd,  highlights the skills and motivations of people who have a good reason for what they do, like Matthew George, also known as ‘The 14th Shooter’.




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