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Elizabeth will mark 70th anniversary of throne this Sunday

 Elizabeth will mark 70th anniversary of throne this Sunday

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was not born to wear the throne but her destiny was written something else. Queen Elizabeth II will complete 70 years on the throne this Sunday. It is an unprecedented period of government that symbolizes stability as the British go through difficult times.

Ups and Down in Elizabeth Reign:

In her glittering early days, when she was a very young woman, from becoming a grandmother, many things were observed in her reign, such as the advent of multiculturalism, the end of the British Empire, the challenges posed by Brexit, the rise of international terrorism and the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite all this, she faces various difficulties in the country, rejoices in the achievements of her nation and regrets their failures.

Elizabeth will mark 70th anniversary of throne this Sunday

Elizabeth Early Services:

Elizabeth followed her father in her early days and joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in early 1945, becoming the first member of the royal family to join the armed services as a full-time active member. On her 21st birthday, she dedicated her life to the nation and the Commonwealth, a voluntary organization that grew out of the British Empire.

For Queen Elizabeth, this Sunday is bittersweet, in which she completed a long period of her reign, as well as the 70th anniversary of her father's death.

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