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Entrepreneur, James Elems III, Remains Consistent In His Work

Entrepreneur, James Elems III, Remains Consistent In His Work


James Elems III, also known as ‘Red’ is a serial entrepreneur from the Eastside of Fort Worth, Texas. Red established his career based on his stellar experience and passion. He works hard to reach to the top while excelling in his current and future endeavors. Through his professional work, he draws motivation from wanting to make a difference not just in Texas, but also in other parts of the nation with his work, and love. Red speaks on his endeavors. “I am currently working on new designs for my clothing line Red Crown Clothing. Fall is my favorite time of the year so I am preparing for new collections to drop as soon as temperatures start to drop. I am also working on implementing some new community events this year that I can make happen annually.” As an entrepreneur, Red remains consistent and always has projects coming up. “Right now, I am currently working on a Fall Event for the Fort Worth Community. Definitely free of charge and I hope to have different vendor services and other small businesses to come out and provide services for the community while also growing their business.”

The entrepreneur based out of Texas aims to make a statement with his current and future projects. Red is known to be aspired, dedicated, and resilient, and he has been positively inspiring others to become better. He leads by example, and has great precision and consistency as an entrepreneur. “I aspire to make this entrepreneurial journey a successful lifetime of accomplishments. I’m dedicated to not only creating generational knowledge and wealth for my family, but also helping and supporting as many people as I can in this lifetime. My resilience is evident through persevering past the many struggles I have faced along this journey, and will continue to be such as I face the struggles that are to come in the future.”

What is inspiring you right now consistently to work on your endeavors?

I am currently inspired by seeing those that are able to genuinely give back and do for other without the expectation of something in return. I want to be at that level of life where I can give on large scales. That’s what keeps me going and constantly working on my endeavors.

How have you overcome struggles to be where you are at now?

I overcame a lot of struggles by simply not giving up. I’ve faced many walls, and encountered many situations where I didn’t see a solution, but I never gave up. Research helped me over a lot of my problems. I had to learn where to find certain information as well as knowing the right questions to ask. I started to expand my network and gain access to rooms where people who have been in my shoes can share their experiences. I had to help myself before I could even think that others would help me. My hard work and dedication attracted the attention of other like-minded individuals and for that they offered me their knowledge and expertise on certain subjects which have helped me get to where I am today.

Red explained that the motivation came from seeing the success of his work and also not giving up. “Two of my biggest obstacles starting out as a business owner were Capital and Knowledge. When I started my business, I did not have a savings account full of money or much money at all for that fact. I leveraged relationships a lot starting off to accomplish a lot of my events, and cheap or free ways to produce clothing for my clothing line. I kept expenses as low as possible in the beginning because I knew I wouldn’t see profit for a while. Along my journey I learned about business credit and this created a doorway of opportunities for me to be able to leverage credit to help my business. Learning about business credit correlates with my obstacle of gaining knowledge about things in business. As a beginning small business owner, a lot of the things I wanted to do were held up by me being ignorant of how to accomplish these things. I paid money for courses and mentors just to learn the processes and information that feels like it is being gated by people in certain industries. I am really big on self-education, but besides exploring the limits of the internet to teach myself I had to find the right people who could at least point me in the right direction of where to find certain information. That led me to different books/e-books, YouTube channels, social media groups, and events where I could learn how to further myself in the businesses I am trying to run.” Red explains that this was a major motivation in his life and gives a piece of advice for others to take back. “My advice to others would be to care less about the opinions and more about the support. Nobody will see your dream the way you do. 100% of everyone will not like what you do, say or produce, but out of 8 billion people in the world somebody needs/wants what you’re offering.”

Red has successfully worked with many diverse individuals on different goals, and has only satisfied them. He has great skills in collaboration and speaks about some influential people who have been in his life. “I have a lot of influential people in my life because I like to surround myself with like-minded people so we are influential to each other, but if I had to name one person that has been the most influential to me since the beginning of my journey would be my great friend Katrina Williams. Still to this day I contact her frequently when I’m looking for different resources. Katrina has helped me tremendously and she has played a vital part in my support team.”

Public Relations Agency, #Focuseddd, continue to highlight the stories of motivating individuals like  Chef Noriega, also known as James Elems III, also known as ‘Red’.

Social Media Tags:

Facebook: James Elems

Instagram: @revengeofjimmy

Website: www.krownklub.com


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