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Getting To Know Decorated Content Creator, AlRaelynn

Getting To Know Decorated Content Creator, AlRaelynn


Alizayña Walton, also known as ‘AlRaelynn’ is a visual storyteller and content creator from Texas. An Army brat, she spent the first eighteen years of her life moving around the United States. With a loving family, her dad is from Coatesville, Pennsylvania where AlRaelynn herself spent most of her summers growing up. Her mom is from San Diego, California just like AlRaelynn. Now in 2023, AlRaelynn, is an up and coming content creator that has made some noise and is continuing to soar to the top. She is a hustler, creative, loving person. She has a natural ability to connect with her audience and supporters.

AlRaelynn is dedicated to making the finest content she can, no matter where she is or moves to. “Currently, I’m in the beginning stages of building my brand and career. I moved to San Diego to chase my dreams, as though Cali is the land of opportunity. I’ve been training to increase my expertise in dance, yoga, videography, and photography. Recently, I hosted my first heels dance class at Body’s in Rhythm. And just last night I hosted my first Mindful Movement Dance Workshop at Pier To Point Yoga & Wellness Center. I’m also collaborating with other creatives to establish a creative collective in San Diego that connects local creatives together!”

AlRaelynn is relentless in her pursuit of excellence; she refuses to settle for anything less than the best. AlRaelynn has said that she would always be motivated by her enthusiasm while keeping a strong work ethic. The people in her life have a significant impact on her and continue to motivate her. “The most obvious answer is my parents who instilled many of the habits in me that continuously push me to do more and never stop until I achieve my goals.  I’ve also had many friends who have poured love and affirmations into me and they’ve helped me more than they’ll ever know. Jaquikeyah introduced me to my spirit and intuition and helped me learn how to tap into what I already knew. She taught me how to trust myself without judging myself so harshly. Toomey showed me how much I enjoy bringing out the happiness and love in others and how beneficial it can be to both of us. Before I met her she was down bad, while we developed a friendship I poured all the love I could into her and taught her many of the things I learned in my life to let go of what other people think and just exist unapologetically. Today, She continuously inspires me with how she has grown and the kind of life she’s built for herself since we met. It just reminds me like yes, I do have a purpose and the world will be a better place if I continue to walk in that truth.” AlRaelynn is spiritually aligned with her inner self and creativity. An authentic version of herself, and very goal-oriented. She feels her efforts will change the world and help her succeed professionally because she gives it her all always.

Getting To Know Decorated Content Creator, AlRaelynn

What is inspiring you right now consistently to work on your endeavors?

I’m fresh out of college and this economy is not built for people like me. So I know that if I’m going to be happy and successful in life, I have to bulldoze my way through as an entrepreneur.

I look around and see a reality that doesn’t resonate with me so I’m eager to change that by creating spaces that empower others to choose themselves and believe in the magic that we all possess in our hearts. When you lead with love, everything becomes so effortless.

The ease I’ve experienced in my journey of self-connection and creative flow has continuously inspired me to move forward in the direction I’m headed because I know that it’s my purpose. I’m supposed to be creating these spaces for people to experience what real self-love feels like and looks like.  Every time I see hate or fear being spread on social media, in the news, or even just in the communities around me, it reignites that spark in me to continue creating these safe spaces that people need right now!

As a business owner, what are some obstacles you’ve had to overcome to get where you’re at?

Fear-based and lack of mindsets were the biggest obstacles that I’m still overcoming. At first it was the idea that I wasn’t good enough or confused because I was so worried about what other people thought I should do. I also felt like I had to wait until I had the money or the experience to do what I wanted. But now I’m realizing that all of that is just bullshit. When I decided that I was just going to exist and be myself and figure it out along the way, that’s when things really started falling into place for me both in my own thoughts and feelings and with the people and opportunities that started presenting themselves. I go to what calls me, I don’t force anything.

I practice patience and I trust myself. I constantly have to remind myself what's for me when it’s time as long as I continue to be honest about what I want and need in life. I had to start putting myself and my needs first, cutting out distractions and things that weren’t in alignment with who I wanted to be and the lifestyle I wanted to live. Choosing yourself can be hard when you have to remove loved ones from your life but I just think of the disservice I would be doing not only to myself, but to all the people who will benefit from what I came here to do. It would be selfish to allow fear to keep me stagnant. And then I move forward and trust that everything will fall into place as it should.

Getting To Know Decorated Content Creator, AlRaelynn

What do you have coming up right now that you want others to know about?

I’m embarking on my Aerial Yoga and Dance Teaching journey, so stay tuned for classes and workshops in both worlds. I’m also always open and eager to collaborate with other creatives with a passion for social justice and empowering others. I am a videographer, photographer, editor, writer, dancer, and choreographer. I am always interested in offering my services to anyone who has pure intentions that align with my values!

Due to AlRaelynn’s established standing within the entertainment industry, her body of work continues to expand. The influence of this has been seen throughout her whole career, as she has shown her creating skills and collaborative abilities via active involvement in a multitude of diverse initiatives. AlRaelynn is a diligent content creator and creative who exhibits strong work ethic and has promising prospects for her future career. Despite the unpredictable nature of real-world circumstances, AlRaelynn consistently demonstrates unwavering perseverance.“Hard work and determination. It’s hard out here with all the oppressive tactics they use to keep us in a fear mindset. But I choose to reject their stories and choose my own reality. I remind myself of the things I can control in my life and I just continue to be myself.  I allow myself to be vulnerable and seek support from the people that I love and trust. A lot of hard conversations had to be done in order to receive the support I needed from my parents especially. When I walk in my truth and practice transparency, I receive the support I need to get through every battle life throws at me. When I feel like the world is against me and nothing is going my way, I remind myself that this is only a moment and it too shall pass just like every other moment has. I detach myself from those feelings and I allow myself to get excited for the joy that is to come in the near future. I throw myself into grind mode- sometimes working fourteen hours a day until I reach my goals.  When I experience obstacles, I try to focus on the solution or reach out to people that will help put me in the right state of mind to move into a problem-solving flow. My parents have always been my biggest supporters, always offering their wisdom and support to help me reach my goals. When I get down bad in those low vibrational moments, I enjoy dancing to get out of my head and into my body.”

AlRaelynn is ambitious and committed to achieving her objectives. AlRaelynn is not only a competent industry leader, but also a woke individual. She believes that the influence of her work will allow her to achieve greater professional achievement and have a positive impact on the world. AlRaelynn vows to draw inspiration from all of her experiences and works diligently. As she concludes, she provides the readers with a piece of inspiration to carry with them. “Even though there are forces that try to knock you down and disrupt your peace; you have the ability to choose how you want to feel and move in life. You can choose to accept the projected truth or you can decide to create your own reality and take control of your life. I aim to provide safe spaces for others to enjoy their own energy without fear and embrace the beauty they hold within themselves. When we move with love, it becomes a cyclical experience of receiving and giving that love. Life becomes full of love and the ‘problems’ or ‘obstacles’ don’t seem so daunting anymore.”

“Every moment is an opportunity to make a difference in your own or someone else’s life. You don’t know what you’ll get out of it and it doesn’t really matter. But if at the end of my life I can look back and say I led with love and it inspired others to do the same, I will say that I did what I came to do. We came here to enjoy life and to create with love. So let’s take back our love and walk in it unapologetically because love is pure and innocent. It will always be the right way.” - Alizayña Walton

Public relations agency, #Focuseddd, continues to promote and share motivating stories like Alizayña Walton, also known as ‘AlRaelynn’

Tags of people who were talked about:

 Instagram: @raelynn_dae

TikTok: @raelynn_dae


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  1. A beautiful inspirational article. Little cuzzin continue thriving and d yes let's lead in love. You're absolutely right love will always be the right way. I love you Family. Go on with you're gorgeous self.-Precious Destiny Cobos
